This year you can't miss
out on discovering Pesaro

It's not surprising that Pesaro has been chosen as Italian capital of culture 2024, an accolade that celebrates its excellence in cultural events, gastronomy, crafts and natural beauty.

But what really makes Pesaro so special? I decided to immerse
myself personally in this unique experience, ready to discover every
nook and cranny this city has to offer.

> leggi in italiano

This charming town in Le Marche region, overlooking the Adriatic Sea, is showing the world its rich cultural heritage, fascinating traditions and vibrant art scene. 

Pesaro isn't just a tourist destination, but a crossroads where millennial history is harmoniously intertwined with contemporary vibrancy. 

The streets of its historic centre tell stories of bygone eras through Renaissance
palaces and Baroque churches, while art galleries and cultural venues offer
a dynamic contemporary scene, rich in musical and artistic expression.

The historical charm of Pesaro

A journey through architectural treasures and the Villa Imperiale

Pesaro can boast a millennial history, dating back to Roman times.
Its historic centre is a treasure trove of architectural and artistic treasures, with Renaissance palaces, Baroque churches and outstanding monuments. 

Among the places not to be missed are the magnificent Ducal Palace, with its sumptuous interiors, and the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, which houses precious mosaics.

The Italian garden of the Villa Imperiale in Pesaro overlooks the city

Also, don't forget one of the most enchanting
and perhaps least known places in Pesaro: the Villa Imperiale, located just outside the city walls. 

This splendid example of Renaissance architecture was commissioned by Alessandro Sforza and completed in 1469. It was then restored and enlarged in the early 1500s on commission of the Duke of Urbino Francesco Maria della Rovere, with a design by the famous architect Girolamo Genga

The Villa owes its name to a particular anecdote: in 1452, Emperor Frederick III stopped in Pesaro and Alessandro Sforza invited him to see the site on which he intended to build his residence. The emperor laid the foundation stone and since then the villa has been known as Imperiale.

Courtyard of Villa Imperiale, in the hills of Pesaro overlooking the sea.

Perfectly preserved, this architectural gem offers a fascinating combination of natural beauty and art.

It is surrounded by lush Italian gardens and adorned with splendid frescoes by artists such as Raffaellino del Colle and Dosso Dossi. A visit to the villa provides a unique insight into the life of the Renaissance nobility and is an unmissable stop for those who want to fully immerse themselves in Pesaro's rich cultural heritage.

Beautiful frescos inside the Villa Imperiale in Pesaro

Villa Imperiale Frescoed Interiors, Sala delle Fatiche d'Ercole (Photo Courtesy Villa Imperiale)

City of music and art

The city of Rossini

Known as the "UNESCO City of Music", Pesaro is the birthplace of the famous composer Gioachino Rossini. Every year, the prestigious Rossini Opera Festival attracts opera fans from all over the world, offering a rich calendar of concerts, performances and initiatives. 

For music lovers, the Gioachino Rossini Museum is a must-see.

Angela and me in front of the Library of Palazzo Mosca, scenography of an opera that went on stage at Rossini Opera Festival in 1997.

Angela and me in front of the Library of Palazzo Mosca, scenography of an opera that went on stage at Rossini Opera Festival in 1997.

But culture in Pesaro is not only history and tradition; it is also innovation and contemporaneity.

The city hosts important museums and art galleries, such as the Centro Arti Visive Pescheria, which presents exhibitions by contemporary Italian and international artists. Pesaro is a workshop of creativity, with art installations and performances that animate the entire area. 

I look forward to sharing with you my encounters with these talents: click below to find out more!

Adventure and wellbeing in nature

Beaches and hills

But the city doesn't stop there. In addition to its enchanting beaches, Pesaro offers beautiful natural scenery that invites you to explore and relax in the open air. 

The Monte San Bartolo Natural Park is a true paradise for nature lovers, with its scenic trails winding along the coastline, offering breathtaking views of the Adriatic Sea and the hilly hinterland. 

Visitors can choose from a variety of outdoor activities, such as hiking or mountain biking, birdwatching to observe the migratory birds that stop over in the park's wetlands, and simple moments of relaxation surrounded by greenery. 

View of the beach at Fiorenzuola di Focara. Inside the Monte San Bartolo natural park.

Monte San Bartolo isn't just a place of natural beauty, but also a treasure trove of local history and culture, with ancient paths leading to medieval villages and viewpoints that narrate the millenary history of this region overlooking the sea.

View of the beach at Fiorenzuola di Focara.
Inside the Monte San Bartolo natural park.

Shopping and gastronomy 

An industrious city!

For those who love shopping, Pesaro offers an extraordinary selection of locally made products that will not fail to amaze you. 

Some local products in Pesaro

As you stroll through the streets of the centre, you will come across craft boutiques displaying unique items, made with mastery and passion. From handmade jewellery to ceramic objects, each purchase tells a story of tradition and creativity.

I was deeply impressed by the creativity of the young and modern local artisans, and I can't wait to show them to you!

And I can't forget to mention its excellent cuisine. The Marche's gastronomic tradition is rich and variegated, with dishes based on fresh fish fished in the waters of the Adriatic, homemade pasta and the famous Marche crescia

Typical products such as extra virgin olive oil and homemade cured meats enrich the local menus, while delicious cheeses such as casciotta di Urbino delight the most discerning palates.The region's fine wines are not lacking, such as Bianchello del Metauro DOP and Colli Pesaro DOC

And there is also a gastronomic gem little known outside the region but unforgettable once discovered: Pizza Rossini. Named in honour of Gioachino Rossini, this pizza with boiled egg and mayonnaise was created by a local bakery in the 1950s.

Pizza Rossini is one of the symbols of Pesaro

Pizza Rossini was originally conceived to accompany aperitifs, it won the hearts of the people of Pesaro, so much so that the city's pizza makers included it on their menus. 

Even today, it is difficult to find outside the region, but it is an absolute must in every restaurant and pizzeria in the Pesaro province!

See you in Pesaro!

Whether you want to spend a day, a weekend or a week in Pesaro
I can guide you to the best shopping experiences
and culinary treasures this fascinating city has to offer.

I will be happy to have a nice chat to help you create an unforgettable stay in Pesaro.

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"Luisa Donati is a joy to work with!

Her vast knowledge of the Marche region and her personal contacts with local artists and artisans, shop keepers, and restaurant owners guarantee access to authentic regional cuisine and experiences, taking you inside the daily life of the town while introducing you to the surrounding area's hidden gems."

- Angela Ferrario,
International Study Tours LLC

Luisa Donati with Angela (International Study Tours LLC) and Nicoletta at Palazzo Donati in Mercatello sul Metauro.